Boost Your YouTube Engagement with Real-time View and Like Display

YouTube has unveiled a new real-time view and like counter for videos, allowing users to see the popularity of a video as it happens. The update includes small animations for the like and view counters, which update live as the video is being watched, even when the video is paused.

This new feature has received mixed reactions, with some users finding it distracting and obnoxious. While YouTube does not provide an option to disable this real-time update, some tech-savvy users have found a workaround to silence the animation.

It’s important to note that the real-time counter is only available for newly uploaded videos in their first 24 hours. Older videos will not have this feature. YouTube also announced other features back in October, including a new “You” tab, the ability to search for music using your voice, and AI-powered features for Premium users.

In addition to the real-time counter, YouTube has been testing AI-powered features for Premium users, such as an “Ask” feature for answering questions and AI-generated summaries for video comments.

Overall, this update aims to provide users with a more interactive and real-time experience while watching videos on the platform. While some may find it distracting, others may appreciate being able to see how a video’s popularity grows right before their eyes. YouTube continues to innovate and experiment with new features to enhance the user experience.

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