Beware of Scammers Using Fake Links to Google’s Chatbot Bard: Protect Your Login Data and Financial Info Now!

In a recent blog post, Google announced that it is suing a group of scammers known as “DOES 1-3” in an effort to protect users of its AI chatbot Bard and small businesses. The lawsuit alleges that the scammers set up social media sites with links to downloads of Bard, but instead of the chatbot, the downloads contained malware designed to steal login information.

The trial is taking place in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, San Jose Division. Google’s complaint includes trademark infringement for using Google’s logos in the scam and requests a permanent injunction to stop the scammers from offering the fake Bard download. Additionally, Google is seeking damages from the scammers for the money they made from the scam.

According to Google’s General Counsel Halimah DeLaine Prado, scammers are taking advantage of unsuspecting users as excitement around new AI tools increases. Google is seeking an order to stop the scammers from setting up domains and to have them disabled with US domain registrars. This legal action is intended to serve as a deterrent and prevent similar scams in the future.

In addition to the lawsuit related to the fake Bard downloads, Google is also taking legal action against “bad actors” who used fake copyright claims to harm competitors. These fake claims resulted in the takedown of more than 100,000 business websites, costing them millions of dollars and thousands of hours in lost employee time.

Prado emphasized that keeping users safe online is a priority for Google, and that litigation is an effective tool for disrupting the tools used by scammers and raising the consequences for bad actors. These legal actions are part of Google’s ongoing strategy to protect consumers and small businesses and establish legal precedents in emerging fields of innovation. The company is committed to protecting internet users from abuse, fraud, and scams.

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