Why Google Is Unfazed by Bing’s AI Comeback: Here’s Why

Google Continues to Dominate Search Market as Bing’s Share Drops

New market share numbers for search engines have been released, showing that Google still holds the top spot with nearly 90% of the market. However, Microsoft’s Bing has seen a drop in market share compared to last year, despite integrating OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology into its search engine.

According to Statcounter, as of October 2023, Bing’s market share in the United States sits at just under 7%, down from 7.4% the previous year. This is despite Microsoft’s efforts to bring generative AI to its consumer-facing products, including the new Windows Copilot.

On the other hand, Google has continued to maintain its dominance in the search market. The company has been slowly and carefully integrating its generative AI features into Search, expanding its Search Generative Experience to more than 120 countries and territories, and supporting multiple languages.

However, Google’s high market share has come under scrutiny, as it is currently the subject of an ongoing trial brought on by the Justice Department and several states. The claim is that Google attained its search dominance through anti-competitive means, such as deals to make Google Search the default on iPhones and the availability of millions of Android phones globally.

Overall, while Google remains the search engine leader, the competition between Google and Bing continues to evolve, with both companies focusing on integrating advanced AI features into their respective platforms.

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