Discover the Best Places to Purchase iPhones, iPads, and Macs – Click to Find out!

A new report from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) has revealed interesting trends about where people buy their Apple devices across the US. According to the study, most US iPhone sales between September 2022 and 2023 occurred at carriers, accounting for a whopping 71%. This is a notable increase from the previous year, where carriers only held 67% of iPhone sales. Meanwhile, Apple’s share of US iPhone sales has dropped to just 21%.

For iPad sales, the market remains diverse, with Apple holding 30%, Best Buy and Amazon tying at 19% each, and carriers accounting for 15%. As for Mac sales, Apple continues to dominate the market, boosting its share from 39% to 47%, with Best Buy taking 24% and Amazon at 14%.

The report also shed light on the performance of the Apple Store in 2023. Despite losing ground to carriers in iPhone sales, the Apple Store is still said to be “doing pretty well.” Furthermore, the study highlighted the importance of retailers like Best Buy and Amazon in bringing Apple products to consumers, especially those outside the reach of Apple Stores.

The data from CIRP shows significant shifts in the distribution of Apple products across the US, with carriers gaining a stronger foothold in iPhone sales and Apple maintaining its dominance in the Mac market. This information provides valuable insights for both consumers and stakeholders in the tech industry, as it reflects the current preferences and behaviors of Apple device buyers. Overall, the report paints a comprehensive picture of the retail landscape for Apple products in the US, and the trends observed are likely to have broader implications for the industry moving forward.

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