Revolutionary OLED Material by Samsung Display to Extend iPhone Battery Life!

Samsung Display is working on a new material for its OLED screens that could potentially increase the battery life of future iPhones. The company plans on adding blue phosphorescent material to its OLED panels in order to reduce the power needs of the screens. This change may not come into effect until 2026, around the time the iPhone 18 line is expected to be released.

The current red and green phosphorescent materials used in OLED panels have an internal luminous efficiency of 100%, while the blue material only has an efficiency of 25%. By replacing the blue fluorescent material with phosphorescent material, Samsung Display aims to reduce the power consumption of OLED displays.

According to UBI Research deputy director Daejeong Yoon, Samsung is actively working on creating the blue phosphorescent material. However, the material being developed has a lifespan equal to only 55% of the current blue fluorescent material used in OLED screens. Despite this, Samsung Display plans on implementing the new material starting in the second half of 2025.

The initial plan was to introduce the new material with Samsung’s foldable smartphone line in the middle of 2024, but it seems that the development process is not progressing smoothly. Therefore, the blue phosphorescence material won’t be used until the M15 material set is ready.

It’s forecasted that the iPhone 16 line next year and the iPhone 17 series in 2025 will both use the M14 OLED materials set, leading to the conclusion that the new blue phosphorescence material won’t be used on an iPhone display until the release of the iPhone 18 series in 2026.

Samsung also plans to increase the luminous efficiency of the materials by more than 65% compared to the current materials used in its OLED panels. The blue phosphorescence material is expected to be a game-changer in the smartphone industry, potentially leading to longer battery life for future iPhone models.

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