Top 5 Mind-Blowing Innovations I Expect from VR in 2024

The progress of virtual reality (VR) gaming has improved significantly over the years. Experience with VR headsets has evolved, making it more comfortable and accessible for gamers.

The Meta Quest 3 VR console has revolutionized the gaming experience. Playing VR games is now as easy as slipping on the headset and moving your arms. This advancement is a far cry from the hassle of technical issues and driver updates that gamers faced previously.

In 2024, a wider audience appeal and universal comfort settings are hoped for. Quest 3 games like Beat Saber and Job Simulator have proven to be universally likable, having lasting power for gamers. They are easy to understand and fun for all players, with simple game design and comfort settings that do not make players motion sick.

Efforts are also focused on introducing wider comfort settings across all games, making it easier for players to adjust from game to game. At the same time, the VR industry is also looking forward to the release of more expansive, high-quality games such as Assassin’s Creed Nexus and Asgard’s Wrath 2.

Concerns have also been raised on the frequency of updates from Meta. While Meta updates its Quest headsets every month, the introduction of new features often leads to unwanted bugs. The company is called upon to ensure that updates are thoroughly tested before being rolled out to gamers.

Furthermore, there is a need for Meta to define and mandate specific comfort controls for players and implement these settings across all games. This overhaul is aimed at making the VR gaming experience more accessible and enjoyable for all players.

Overall, there is great anticipation for VR gaming developments and a call for Meta to ensure that these advances will make gaming more accessible, comfortable, and enjoyable for all players.