Exciting News: Tap to Pay on iPhone Now Available in France – Get Started Today!

Today, Tap to Pay on iPhone has launched in France, making it the eighth country to get access to the ultra-convenient payment system for small businesses and major brands. Nine banks and financial service companies are on board for the launch, with others joining the French rollout soon.

So, what exactly is Tap to Pay on iPhone? It is a feature that allows consumers to make payments by tapping their card, iPhone, or Apple Watch against the iPhone owned by the business, eliminating the need for a separate contactless box.

This launch follows a gradual rollout in the US, Taiwan, Australia, the UK, the Netherlands, Brazil, and Ukraine. The service is now available in all Apple Stores in France and is being deployed in many points of sale, including those of major brands like Christian Dior Couture, Dyson, Rituals, and Sézane.

The announcement states that the Tap to Pay service on iPhone is available to payment platforms and app developers in France, who can integrate it with their iOS apps and offer it as a payment acceptance option to their business customers. Companies like BPCE Group, Adyen, Revolut, SumUp, and Worldline now offer Tap to Pay on iPhone to their French professional clientele, and they will soon be joined by others.

It’s interesting to note that in addition to small businesses, some major brands have also adopted Tap to Pay on iPhone, such as Christian Dior Couture, Dyson, Rituals, and Sephora.

Technically, France is the eighth ‘region’ to get access to the service, as the list of countries includes Taiwan. While the rest of the world effectively views it and treats it as a country, both governments and companies use the diplomatic term ‘region.’ This means that the service is now available in eight regions, continuing its global expansion.

Overall, this launch marks a significant step forward in making digital payments more convenient and accessible for businesses and consumers in France. With Tap to Pay on iPhone, the way we pay for goods and services continues to evolve, making transactions simpler and more seamless for everyone involved.

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