Exclusive: Samsung XR Headset Rumors and Leaks – Get the Inside Scoop on Samsung Glasses!

Samsung Set to Launch XR Mixed-Reality Glasses

Samsung is fast at work developing their latest prototype in XR technology, the Samsung Glasses. After Apple’s announcement of the Vision Pro, Samsung decided to delay their old prototype in order to make significant improvements. As a result, the Samsung Glasses are set to be released in December 2024 instead of the previously planned mid-2024 launch.

The tech giant hopes to manufacture 30,000 units of the XR headset, comparing to Apple’s 400,000 Vision Pro units. This move shows Samsung’s cautious approach to entering the market. The company will later increase its production once it is confident in the product and its capabilities.

In terms of pricing, reports have suggested that Samsung intends to sell its high-end headsets for roughly $2,000. This is significantly lower than the $3,500 price tag of Apple’s Vision Pro.

The latest leaked images of the Samsung Glasses prototype show a device that uses Micro-OLED displays, the Exynos 2200 chip with AMD RDNA2 architecture, and inside out tracking with dual RGB cameras. This suggests the device will be equipped with the latest hardware and technology to provide a cutting-edge user experience.

Samsung intends for its XR headset to be focused on mixed-reality productivity, differentiating it from other VR headsets. It will feature eye and hand tracking capabilities without traditional controllers to create a blended virtual and real-life experience.

Samsung’s XR OS is designed by Google, but it’s unclear how much of Samsung’s personality will be featured in the operating system. However, it is expected to support Android Play Store apps and integrate various features such as virtual screens and apps from the Apple App Store.

A patent filed by Google also hints at the possibility of Samsung Glasses having their own smartwatch controller for the XR headset. This feature would significantly enhance the user experience by providing seamless navigation through the device’s functions.

In the end, Samsung is clearly taking its time to ensure that the Samsung Glasses are of the highest quality and specification before their launch. With a focus on mixed reality productivity and promising high-end features, Samsung is poised to make a strong entry into the XR headset market, giving users a unique and immersive experience.

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