New Report: Galaxy S24 Ultra to Feature Dual Zoom with 10x and 5x – Get the Details Here!

Samsung to Keep 10x Zoom Camera for Galaxy S24 Ultra, Adds 5x Zoom Sensor

Samsung is set to keep the 10x zoom camera for the upcoming Galaxy S24 Ultra, as reported by Korean outlet The Elec. The new flagship phone will also feature a 200 MP wide-angle camera, as well as 12 MP ultrawide, 50 MP 5x zoom, and 10 MP 10x zoom snappers. The 50 MP main camera, 12 MP ultrawide, and 10 MP 3x zoom shooters will be included in the Galaxy S24 and S24 Plus.

The 200 MP sensor will be supplied by Samsung, while the 12 MP ultrawide will be split between Namuga and Sunny Optical. Sunny Optical and Samsung will supply the 10x and 5x cameras. The front-facing 12 MP camera will be supplied by Namuga and MCNEX.

According to the report, Samsung is aiming to ship 35.2 million units of the Galaxy S24 series in 2024, with 45% being the Galaxy S24 Ultra, 38% the S24, and 16% the Plus model.

The decision to keep the 10x zoom camera and the addition of a 5x zoom sensor in the Galaxy S24 Ultra show Samsung’s commitment to improving camera technology in its flagship smartphones. With the increasing demand for high-quality mobile photography, these new camera features are expected to appeal to consumers looking for top-of-the-line camera capabilities in a smartphone.

Samsung’s continued investment in camera technology and its strategic supply partnerships indicate the company’s dedication to delivering innovative and competitive smartphone offerings in the highly competitive market. The anticipated release of the Galaxy S24 series is likely to generate significant interest and excitement among tech enthusiasts and consumers alike.

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