Say Goodbye to Google Play Movies & TV: Transition to Google TV in January

Google Play Movies & TV App to be Retired, Transitioning to Google TV

Google has officially announced that the Google Play Movies & TV app will no longer be operational in the coming weeks. This means that the app will stop working and users will need to transition to the Google TV app to access their purchased media.

The transition from Google Play Movies & TV to Google TV was confirmed by Google in a recent blog post. The company has been gradually removing traces of the Google Play Movies & TV app from various platforms, and now the transition will be completed by January 17, 2024. This means that the Google Play Movies & TV app and web client will become unavailable over the next few weeks.

For those who have purchased media on Google Play Movies & TV, they will be able to find their content on the Google TV app or on YouTube instead. The Shop tab in Google TV will now become the home for content previously found on Google Play Movies & TV.

Android TV users will also need to make the transition to the Google TV app, as it will become the only way to access purchased movies and TV shows on Android TV devices. Android TV powers various streaming sticks, streaming boxes, and smart TVs, and is the underlying OS for Google TV.

Meanwhile, for those who prefer to watch their owned media on the web, the new home for that will be YouTube. This move aligns with the fact that users can already buy and rent movies and shows directly from YouTube.

While it can be frustrating for users to adapt to changes in apps and services, it is reassuring that they will still have access to their owned digital content. In the ever-evolving landscape of digital media, it is essential for companies to keep users informed about transitions and provide alternative ways to access their purchased content.