Unveiling the Outstanding Features of the Meta Quest 3 – A Game-Changer in VR Headsets

In November 2023, the Meta Quest 3 saw a significant increase in usage among SteamVR users, growing by 5.05% and securing a spot in the top five most used VR headsets on the platform. This growth is especially impressive considering the Quest 3 has only been on the market for two months.

The Meta Quest 2 also experienced a spike in sales during November, largely due to Black Friday promotions. However, its usage on Steam only increased by 0.75%. Despite this, the Quest 2 still represents nearly half of all VR headsets used on Steam, according to the surveys conducted.

Steam surveys random users every month to assess the hardware distribution across the platform, and the growth rate of the Quest 3 aligns with that of the Quest 2 after its launch in November 2020. When combined, the growth of both the Quest 2 and Quest 3 on Steam in November 2023 adds up to 5.8%, indicating positive adoption numbers for Meta.

The incredible holiday sales for the Quest 2 likely brought many new users to the platform, and there is a possibility that Quest 2 users are upgrading to the Quest 3. Additionally, the Quest 2 outsold the Nintendo Switch on Amazon during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, thanks to its discounted price and promotional gift cards.

With Christmas approaching and the official launch of Steam Link as a Meta Quest app, both the Quest 2 and Quest 3’s SteamVR usage numbers are expected to rise in December. Despite being twice the price of the Quest 2, the Quest 3’s early sales numbers are very positive, and Meta has committed to providing at least three more years of software updates for the Quest 2, making it a worthwhile investment for the future.

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