HarmonyOS Next: Android App Support Dropped – Get Ready for the Future

Huawei’s HarmonyOS Next Set to Launch Without Android App Support

Huawei has announced that its highly anticipated HarmonyOS Next is almost ready to be rolled out to end users. The new operating system, which was unveiled for developers earlier this year, is set to be the future OS for all Huawei devices. According to Richard Yu, all native applications have been updated and the OS is gearing up for its official release.

However, one major change has been revealed – HarmonyOS Next will not support Android apps. This means that users will not be able to install Android apps or read Android code on devices running HarmonyOS Next. While the new OS may visually resemble the ongoing HarmonyOS, it lacks support for Android libraries.

This move signals Huawei’s commitment to its in-house operating system. The company is reportedly ramping up its efforts to recruit talent for the development of HarmonyOS. According to sources from the Zhilian Recruitment platform, Huawei is actively seeking individuals for positions such as software development, mobile development, and software testing in the fields of Internet, computer software, and telecommunications/value-added services.

In fact, over 75% of the positions require a bachelor’s degree and more than 3 years of work experience, with the promise of an above-average salary for successful candidates.

With the imminent launch of HarmonyOS Next, Huawei is positioning itself as a serious contender in the operating system market. While the absence of Android app support may be a drawback for some users, the company’s focus on developing its in-house OS signifies a bold step towards independence from external software platforms.

This development reflects Huawei’s determination to carve its own path in the highly competitive tech industry, and the release of HarmonyOS Next will undoubtedly be a key milestone in the company’s journey. Keep an eye out for the official launch of HarmonyOS Next, as Huawei continues to make waves with its innovative approach to software development.

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