Google’s Gemini ChatGPT competitor delayed until early 2024 – What to expect in the meantime

Google has run into some obstacles along the way in their race to develop artificial intelligence technology. The highly anticipated launch of its Gemini AI system has been pushed back to the first quarter of 2024, much to the disappointment of cloud customers and business partners who were expecting it this month.

The delay is due to Google’s struggle to finalize the main portion of Gemini, which is intended to be a versatile conversational AI machine capable of handling complex tasks with ease. While smaller variants have been polished, the primary model still requires additional work before it is ready for release.

In addition, Google is also looking to add more features for the average consumer before making the AI widely available to developers. Concerns about integrating Gemini with Bard, a separate system, have also contributed to the delay, following a demo earlier this year that encountered critical errors.

The return of Google co-founder Sergey Brin in July was meant to assist in the development of Gemini, which aims to rival OpenAI’s GPT-4 model. The purpose of Gemini is to create multiple variations and sizes for different specific abilities, similar to Google’s PaLM 2 system.

Despite initial progress with the distribution of Gemini samples to outside developers in September, the pushback to 2024 is a setback for Google’s plans to boost its enterprise efforts with Google Cloud. The integration of Gemini with Vertx AI has also been highlighted, particularly in extensions for Gmail, Maps, YouTube, Hotels, and Flights.

While Google continues to play catchup with OpenAI, the delay in the launch of Gemini has given the ChatGPT Android app, featuring the GPT-4 model for subscribers, an opportunity to push forward. Despite this setback, Google remains committed to delivering a powerful AI system that meets the needs of both businesses and consumers.

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