Unlock the Power of Google Drive’s PC-like Experience on Tablets and Foldables!

Google has announced that it is updating Workspace for users with larger Android devices. The update includes a new folder hierarchy in Drive for tablets and foldables, making it easier for users to organize and access their files. The update also includes a new data column that displays file-specific information such as size and last date modified, as well as a Material 3 color palette.

The aim of these updates is to bring the appearance of Drive on Android tablets and foldables closer to that on computers. The new folder hierarchy above the main doclist will help users keep track of their location within the app and easily return to the main Drive view. The new data column will provide important information about files, such as when they were last modified and their size. It will also display the name of the last person to make modifications to a document. In addition, the update will introduce Google’s latest Material 3 design language to the app.

Businesses and other Workspace users on a rapid release schedule domain have already started to receive the latest changes. The update will roll out to scheduled release domains on November 27, and users with personal Google accounts will also have access to these updates.

This is the second update for Google Drive on larger Android devices in the past seven days. The previous update included improvements to how users can edit their files in Docs, Sheets, and Slides. For example, Docs now has a “mode switcher” to allow users to easily switch between placing edits, suggestions, and various viewing modes, while Slides now provides a persistent editing bar and Sheets automatically selects a cell when opening the app.

The visual refresh for larger mobile devices began in March, with changes to the app’s navigational bar and UI elements to make it more user-friendly on larger screens. These updates are part of Google’s ongoing efforts to ensure a seamless and efficient user experience across different devices.

Overall, these updates are designed to enhance the user experience for Workspace users with larger Android devices, making it easier for them to organize, access, and edit their files on the go.

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