Google’s Bard: Your Ultimate Source for Teen Inspiration and Math Help

Google is making it easier for teenagers to access its AI technology. The company is giving teenagers aged 13 and older access to its AI chatbot, Bard.

Teens can use Bard for inspiration and help with a range of topics, including writing speeches, finding colleges, learning new hobbies, and solving math equations. With Bard, teenagers can ask follow-up questions and get step-by-step instructions for difficult subjects like math.

Google is focusing on the responsible use of AI with teenagers. Bard will fact-check responses and ensure that teenagers only see age-appropriate content. The company has also provided an AI Literacy Guide for parents and children to review.

This expansion of AI technology for teenagers follows Google’s previous launch of AI-search-based features for adolescents in September. The company aims to provide a natural and helpful experience for teenagers using its AI technology.

The new features in Bard for teens will be available in English initially and will expand to more countries. However, access will be limited to accounts with a child aged 13 or older.

Overall, Google is working to make its AI technology more accessible and helpful for teenagers while also ensuring its responsible use. This expansion of AI technology will provide teenagers with more opportunities for learning and inspiration.

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