Discover the Best of 2023 with Patrick Farmer’s Top 10 Picks!

much as I’d like to be, I’ve finally made it through a lot of great titles this year. I don’t want this section to run on for too long, so I’ll simply say that I highly recommend “The Shadow of the Wind” by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, “Piranesi” by Susanna Clarke, and “Too Loud a Solitude” by Bohumil Hrabal. I’ll also add that reading books and drinking whisky is a dynamite combination for me, even if my taste for the latter still needs a bit of refinement.
 So those are my Top 10 things that made my 2023 better. I hope you got something out of it, but if not, at least I had fun putting this together. If there’s a chance this kind of thing resonates with some folks, I might be back next year with my favorites from 2024. And who knows what that will bring? Maybe 2024 just won’t be the same without a specific kind of whisky in hand.”