Why the iPhone 15 Pro Max is the Ultimate Favorite Phone for Me

In 2013, a person had a favorite phone, the HTC DROID DNA. They liked this phone because it had a high-definition screen and felt good to hold. But, there was a problem with the phone and they had to send it back to HTC. When they did, HTC offered to send the person the new HTC One (M8) instead. The person said yes, and they loved the new phone.

The HTC One (M8) had a strong aluminum body and a 5-inch screen. It also had a good camera and speakers. The person liked using the HTC BlinkFeed feature to catch up on news and topics they liked.

After the HTC One (M8), HTC did not release another popular phone. The person eventually switched to the iPhone 15 Pro Max, which they think is the best phone they have ever had. However, the HTC One (M8) is still their favorite phone.