Say goodbye to unwanted emails with Gmail’s new easy unsubscribe feature!

Google is making it easier for users to unsubscribe from unwanted emails on Gmail. In October, Google required bulk email senders to include a one-click unsubscribe button, and now Gmail is adding this feature to its web version.

The new “Unsubscribe” button is prominently positioned beside the sender’s name and email address in a noticeable blue color. It will also appear when hovering over a message in the inbox, providing a quick way to manage emails.

This move is part of Google’s efforts to reduce spam and make it easier for users to unsubscribe from unwanted mailing lists. Bulk email senders will be required to include a one-click unsubscribe button by February 2024.

The redesigned “Unsubscribe” button has replaced the old plain gray text and underline, making it more prominent and easier to use. The new feature aims to minimize the bombardment of unwanted emails and keep users’ inboxes clutter-free.

In addition to the web version, Google is also testing an Unsubscribe button for Gmail on Android to bring the mobile version on par with the web version. The Unsubscribe button on mobile will also be located on the right side of the sender’s address.

This bold move by Google is in line with its commitment to improving the user experience and making Gmail a more user-friendly platform. With the new “Unsubscribe” button, users will have a quick and easy way to manage their incoming emails and reduce clutter in their inboxes.