Epic Games Scores Huge Victory Against Google in Landmark US Court Ruling

Epic Games Wins Legal Battle Against Google in US Court

In a significant legal victory, Epic Games has emerged victorious against Google in the District Court of Northern California. The jury’s decision concluded that Google holds a monopoly over the Android app distribution markets and in-app billing services, following a complaint filed by Epic Games three years ago.

The dispute arose after Google removed Epic’s popular game Fortnite from the Play Store due to the company’s bypassing of Google app store fees on in-app purchases, which is commonly referred to as the “Google tax”.

Epic Games released a statement celebrating the court’s verdict, calling it a win for all app developers and consumers worldwide. The company accused Google of engaging in illegal app store practices, including extracting high fees, stifling competition, and hindering innovation.

However, Google has expressed its intention to challenge the verdict, emphasizing that Android and Google Play offer more choice and openness than any other major mobile platform. The tech giant affirmed its commitment to defending the Android business model and its users.

The court is expected to address measures against Google in January, and the company’s official response indicates an impending appeal.

Notably, the mobile version of Fortnite was removed from both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store in 2020. Epic Games had also sued Apple on similar grounds, but the court ruled in favor of the iPhone maker, albeit requiring it to allow the use of alternative in-app payment methods.

Despite the legal battles, Epic Games has emerged as a key player in challenging the practices of major app store platforms, aiming to create a more competitive and innovative environment for app developers and consumers. The outcome of these legal disputes is expected to have far-reaching implications for the future of app store regulations and policies.