Restore your missing Drive files with Google’s latest fix – easy steps here!

Google Drive Patch Fixes Missing File Issue

Google has released an update for its desktop Google Drive app to fix a bug that caused some users’ files to go missing. The company said that the issue only affected a small number of users on version 84 of the app, and has issued version with the fix.

The problem caused local files that hadn’t been uploaded to the cloud yet to disappear, but did not impact any file changes that had already synced and were visible on the Drive mobile app or within the Drive UI on the web.

After applying the update, users can follow specific steps to try and recover their data. However, it’s unsure if this fix will solve all users’ concerns, as some have claimed to be missing up to four years of data.

The steps to try and recover data include making sure the Drive for desktop app is running and open, clicking the Drive for desktop icon in the menu bar or system tray, pressing and holding the shift key, then clicking settings, and clicking the recover from backups button. If the recovery is successful, users will find the recovered files on their desktop in a new Google Drive Recovery folder. However, if the tool doesn’t successfully recover the files, users are recommended to submit feedback through the app with the #DFD84 tag.

This bug could have had serious consequences for affected users, as Google didn’t have a fix ready until weeks after the issue was first reported. It serves as a reminder of why local data redundancy is valuable.

Overall, the patch aims to solve the missing file issue for affected users, and those experiencing the problem are encouraged to apply the update and follow the recovery steps provided by Google.

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