Introducing Tecno Phantom X Series with Variable Aperture and Liquid Lens Periscope – Experience Revolutionary Camera Technology!

Tecno Reveals Innovation in Future Cameraphones

Tecno recently held its Future Lens event in Shanghai, where it showcased three new technologies that are expected to be featured in the upcoming Phantom X cameraphones.

The first innovation is a unique variable aperture, called a W-shaped adjustable aperture. Inspired by the eye of a cuttlefish, this aperture is designed to eliminate glare in strong backlight conditions. The company demonstrated the shutter in action at the event.

In addition to the W-shaped aperture, Tecno also introduced the industry’s first liquid telephoto macro lens. Using voltage to adjust the lens curvature, it can achieve 5cm macro focusing, allowing for true macro photography without distortion in images.

Tecno also discussed its Universal Tone technology, which uses AI-powered engines to perfect skin tones in photos. The Multi-Skin Tone Restoration Engine, Local-Tuning Engine, and Computational Portrait Engine work together to calibrate and adjust skin tones, create striking images, and provide a pleasing aesthetic.

While Tecno did not specify which products will feature these innovations, it’s likely that they will be part of the Phantom X cameraphone series. The company indicated that these innovations could potentially be revealed as soon as the Mobile World Congress early next year.

Overall, Tecno’s Future Lens event showcased the company’s commitment to incorporating innovative technology into its future cameraphones, offering consumers new and advanced features to enhance their photography experience.