Boost Your Spanish Typing with the Improved Gboard Experience!

Google is making it easier for Spanish speakers to use its tools. The company has added new language functionality for Spanish speakers on Gboard and Search. This includes using the Spanish Royal Academy’s vocabulary and dictionary on Gboard and Search, which will make autocorrect faster and add thousands of additional terms.

Google is working to increase the presence of the Spanish language on its tools. The company has already included Smart Compose and Google Docs for Spanish speakers. Now, Google is continuing to update the language functionality for Spanish speakers on Gboard.

The updates on Gboard will integrate the RAE’s Spanish vocabulary into the virtual keyboard. This will provide faster autocorrections in native Spanish words, as well as words with accents. Hundreds of thousands of new words will be added to the keyboard app, making the Spanish language on Gboard more robust than before.

Search will also benefit from the updates, with access to the Spanish Language Dictionary of the Royal Academy. This will allow users to look up specific meanings behind Spanish words and phrases. Google is striving to cover every dialect and vernacular of the Spanish language, with the 23 Spanish language academies around the world contributing to the Search dictionary.

These updates are part of Google’s ongoing commitment to increasing the presence of the Spanish language across its tools. The tech giant has also added Spanish grammar suggestions to Smart Compose and Google Docs, showing its dedication to making its tools accessible and user-friendly for Spanish speakers worldwide.